We have already jumped right in discussing the basic concepts and thought processes involved in economics. It is important to remember that economics tries to apply science to human behavior claiming that people behave in predictable ways. The truth is, when taken as a whole, the mass of people will behave predictably, but there will be those who will behave contrarily. Of course that is acceptable, people make rational choices and do what they believe is best for them at any given moment, ergo, what is best for one person may not be what is best for someone else. So when we try to discuss what choices people make or I make a generalization, there will be exceptions. To get a better grasp on the course we must try to focus on the rule and not try to come up with exceptions (unless specifically asked to do so).
I also apologize at present, I am presently having issues scanning some of the course documents and am not able to put them all online. Once I have these issues resolved (most likely by acquiring a new scanner) I will get the documents up and available to you. I thank you in advance for your patience.